Here's the Simpsons TOON house as you probably already knew. But did you know there is a REAL Simpsons house near Henderson, NV.? It was built for a FOX-TV promotion and given away as part of a contest.
I went to see it while I was in Vegas last week and athough I couldn't go in (because it is a privately owned home and had a security guard sitting in the garage) it was still pretty cool! You should check it out. It's located at 712 Red Bark Ln. in a new
tract of homes (oddly enough named Springfield) just E. of Boulder Hwy. and N. of Sunset. Here are some pics of it taken by the Las Vegas Sun last summer. The tract is much more developed now and has people living in it so be considerate in your TOON HOUSE gazing.
![Get On The Ban Wagon](Amusement-Park-Ride.gif)